Senior UX/UI Designer/Developer
May 2016 - Present
- Leading a team of three other techincal designers on the design and engineering of Core UI; Twitch's UI Design System and React-based component library.
- Responsible for developing and propogating best practices around UI design and development through initiatives in training, mentorship, code review, documentation, and patterns.
- Contributing to the design, development, and documentation of Twitch's shared design system.
- Supporting design at Twitch with workflow-integrated tooling and support for iterative design and development.
- Collaborating with engineering on web application architecture for composibility, reusibility, accessibility, and performance.
Senior Product Designer
September 2011 - April 2016
- Lead UX design for mobile properties across iOS, Android, and web platforms that accounted for more than 100M monthly users.
- Designed UX and UI for the BuzzFeed Android app, which was showcased by Google for excellence in Material Design and recognized as best of 2013 and 2014 in the Google Play Store.
- Prototyped and designed complex user interactions and workflows across low, medium, and high fidelities using new tools and tested methodologies.
- Contributed UX and UI design, front-end development and performance architecture for the BuzzFeed mobile web platform.
Web Producer
July 2007 - July 2010
American Jewish World Service
- Developed templates with XHTML/CSS in an enterprise content management systems.
- Scripted interactive UIs in JavaScript within a custom front-end templating system.
- Prepared multifaceted analytics reports using Google Analytics for use in strategic planning.
- Designed, reviewed, formatted, and published content for both email and web.
August, 2011
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh
Masters of Human Computer Interaction
- Served as technical lead on a nine month research and design project to develop a mobile user interface for real-time remote monitoring of energy systems to encourage conservation behavior for Eaton Corp.
- Created interactive art explorations using combinations of OpenFrameworks, Microsoft Kinect, HTML5, jQuery, Processing, and social media APIs under professor Golan Levin.
- Designed and prototyped a series of web, mobile, and tangible interactive products as exercises in interaction design.
- Performed research, prototyping, and evaluation for an integrated web-based user interface to aid in troubleshooting Hadoop distributed computing systems in partnership with Intel Labs Pittsburgh. The findingswere published and accepted to the ACM CHI-MIT conference, Dec 2011.
- Prototyped an Android mobile application to aid in incident reporting during disaster relief for the open source SAHANA project.
December, 2005
University of Michigan
School of Literature, Science, & the Arts, Ann Arbor
Bachelor of Arts, Asian Studies, Japanese Studies
- Completed three years of Japanese language instruction.
- Studied for two semesters at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities, Hikone, Shiga, Japan.
User Experience and Design
- Contextual inquiry and user research methodologies
- User-centered design and iterative prototyping
- Usability evaluation methods and heuristic analysis
- Product and interface design for web and native platorms
Programming and Technical
- HTML5 and the DOM
- CSS architecture, functional and OOCSS frameworks, and SCSS and postCSS processors
- JavaScript with modern web frameworks including React, Typescript, jQuery, Backbone, and T3.
- Node, Yarn, NPM and web applications architecture
- Mobile web performance patterns and antipatterns
- XML, JSON, YAML and structured data formats
- GIS concepts, KML, Geo-RSS, Google Maps APIs
Applications and Tools
- Sketch and Adobe Creative Suite
- Rapid interface prototyping with HTML/JS, FramerJS, Principle, and InVision
- Version control with Git and the Agile software development cycle
- Google Analytics and similar analytics
Other Areas of Interest
- The web as a platform for mobile applications
- Android OS and Material Design
- Mobile web performance patterns for low-spec devices and users in the developing world
- Context aware and ubiquitous computing
- Hardware and tangible interaction prototyping with microprocessors
- Analog modular audio synthesis